
About Us

About Us

Raj Pain Clinic in Nellore

Raj Pain Clinic is here to serve patients that suffer from long-term (chronic) pain in your community. Our team is comprised of extensively trained and well-experienced physicians who dedicate themselves to the study and management of chronic pain.

Raj Pain Clinic focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of pain resulting from a wide range of medical conditions. Our goal is to improve the quality of your life by controlling pain, restoring function, and shifting your focus to other enjoyable aspects of your life.

With our unmatched state-of-the-art facility and over 10 years of combined experience, our team specializes in Interventional Spine and Pain Management. We perform a wide range of nonsurgical interventions tailored to each person’s individual needs. Since there are no risks of surgery or general anesthesia and no hassle of long-term hospitalization or costs related to it, patients find our treatments more appealing and satisfying.

Whether you are experiencing pain from a chronic illness, injury, cancer, or other related health conditions, our pain management center in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh is ready to provide an appropriate, personalized treatment plan. So don’t wait any longer! Call us for an appointment and start your journey to pain relief.